Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Journalist in Peril

    Many journalist have been hurt because of what they do. Many people don't realize how dangerous being a journalist can be, but many journalist get killed every year because they release information that no one would ever dare let the world know about because they are afraid of what will happen after they put the information out there. A great example of someone who died due to being a journalist was Daniel Pearl. Daniel Pearl was kidnapped after writing about the "war on terrorism" and later beheaded by his kidnapers. Daniel Pearl's story impacted me in the way that this could happen to anyone, his case also taught me that being a journalist is not a very easy thing to be and that one story gone wrong can lead you to your death.
    Another great example of journalist dying because they were journalist is Lasantha Wickrematunge, a journalist from Sri Lanka. He had been harassed and threatened before his death. Wickrematunge knew that his enemies where after him and unlike Daniel Pearl he knew he was going to die. He let the people of Sri Lanka know exactly how corrupt the government was. To me he was a very brave person because he died standing up for what he thought was right.    
    To read and learn about more brave journalist who have died for what they believe in you can go to CPJ.org. This organization tries to protect journalist around the world and informs people about everything having to do with journalist and their deaths. The websites allows you to see what countries have the most journalist deaths. It lets you know the name of the journalist, where how and when he died. http://cpj.org/